Register Your Warranty
Meter Registration Form

Select your product below and add the serial number found on the back of your meter.
Fields marked with (*) are mandatory as information will be required for proper e-warranty registration purposes.

    I understand and am aware that Ethos Healthcare SdnBhd (Ethos) maintains data base(s) where certain personal data about me under any program intiated by Ethos, any Agreement, or any purpose in which I transact with Ethos may be manually or electronically stored, processed and used

    By executing this consent form, I hereby consent and authorize Ethos:
    (i) to collect, store, process and use my personal data under the relevant Agreement or transaction into database(s) and for review or processing of the data or for being contacted by Ethos.

    I understand that I may at any stage request for a copy of the information stored in Ethos database or for corrections to be made to such information. Further, I am aware that I may withdraw my constent for the collection or use or disclosure of my personal data by Ethos as long as I provide reasonable written notice of 30 days to Ethos.

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